Why Gold is expensive?

Why Gold is expensive?

Why Gold is expensive
Gold is expensive for several reasons, primarily stemming from its intrinsic qualities and its role in various aspects of human society:

Limited Supply Growth:

Unlike fiat currencies, which can be printed by governments, the supply of gold grows relatively slowly. New gold deposits are increasingly difficult and expensive to discover and extract, leading to a relatively stable supply growth rate.


Gold is relatively rare in the Earth’s crust so making up only about 0.003 parts per million of the Earth’s crust.So Its scarcity contributes significantly to its high value.

Market Speculation and Investment:

Gold is actively traded on financial markets so with investors speculating on its future price movements. Fluctuations in global economic conditions, geopolitical tensions, and currency values can all influence the demand for gold as an investment asset so leading to price volatility.

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Demand as a Store of Value:

Gold has been valued as a store of wealth for thousands of years. Throughout history, it has been used as a form of currency and a hedge against inflation and economic uncertainty. Central banks, investors, and individuals often hold gold as a way to preserve wealth, especially during times of economic instability.

Industrial and Technological Uses:

Gold has unique physical and chemical properties that make it indispensable in various industrial applications. It is highly conductive, corrosion-resistant, and malleable, making it ideal for use in electronics, aerospace, medicine, and other industries.

Cultural Significance:

Gold holds cultural and symbolic significance in many societies around the world. It is often associated with wealth, prestige, and luxury, driving demand for both investment and ornamental purposes.

Government Reserves:

Many central banks hold significant reserves of gold as part of their national reserves. These reserves provide stability to national economies and bolster confidence in the currency.


Overall, the combination of its scarcity, diverse uses, historical significance, and perceived value as a safe haven asset contribute to gold’s enduring status as a valuable and relatively expensive commodity.

At PRINCE ZAHID JEWELELRY TRADING GOLD SMITH (LLC), we are dedicated to helping you find the perfect piece of jewellery that suits your style, celebrates your milestones, and brings your visions to life. Our commitment to excellence in craftsmanship, quality materials, and outstanding customer service sets us apart in the world of jewellery.
Jewellery Care and Cleaning | Tips & Tricks

Jewellery Care and Cleaning | Tips & Tricks

Jewellery Care and Cleaning Tips & Tricks
Preserving and caring for your jewellery can help ensure its longevity and maintain its beauty. Here are some tips to help you keep your jewellery safe for a long time

01 – Cleaning:

Clean your jewellery regularly to remove dirt, oils, and other residues. Use a soft brush, mild soap, and warm water. Be gentle, especially with delicate pieces.

Avoid using harsh chemicals or cleaners that can damage gemstones or metals. If in doubt, consult a professional jeweler.

02 – Avoid Harsh Chemicals:

Remove jewellery before engaging in activities that involve harsh chemicals, such as cleaning with strong detergents, swimming in chlorinated pools, or using beauty products like hairspray and perfume.


06 – Professional Inspection:

Have your jewellery professionally inspected and cleaned periodically. jewellers can identify potential issues early on and provide maintenance to prevent problems.

03 – Store Properly;

Keep jewellery in a dry and cool place, away from direct sunlight. Exposure to sunlight and humidity can cause metals to tarnish and gemstones to fade.

Keep jewellery in a dry and cool place, away from direct sunlight. Exposure to sunlight and humidity can cause metals to tarnish and gemstones to fade.

Keep different types of jewellery separate to avoid scratching. For example, store diamonds separately from other gemstones.

04 – Cleaning:

Clean your jewellery regularly to remove dirt, oils, and other residues. Use a soft brush, mild soap, and warm water. Be gentle, especially with delicate pieces.

Avoid using harsh chemicals or cleaners that can damage gemstones or metals. If in doubt, consult a professional jeweller.

05 – Check Settings:

Regularly check the settings of your jewellery, especially if it has stones. Loose stones could be a sign that the setting needs repair.

Store Properly-prince zahid jewellery
hot water- Prince-Zahid-Jewellery

07 – Secure Storage:

If you have valuable pieces, consider investing in a safe or a safety deposit box to protect them from theft or loss.

10 – Avoid Physical Damage:

Remove jewellery before engaging in activities that could cause physical damage, such as sports, heavy lifting, or manual labor.

08 – Pearls and Opals:

Pearls and opals are more delicate. Store them in a soft pouch and avoid exposing them to direct sunlight or extreme temperatures.

11 – Check Settings:

Regularly check the settings of your jewellery, especially if it has stones. Loose stones could be a sign that the setting needs repair.

09 – Regular Wear:

Surprisingly, wearing your jewellery regularly can help prevent tarnish. The oils in your skin can create a protective layer.

12 – Insurance:

Consider insuring your valuable pieces. In case of loss, theft, or damage, having insurance can provide financial protection.

At PRINCE ZAHID JEWELELRY TRADING GOLD SMITH (LLC), we are dedicated to helping you find the perfect piece of jewellery that suits your style, celebrates your milestones, and brings your visions to life. Our commitment to excellence in craftsmanship, quality materials, and outstanding customer service sets us apart in the world of jewellery.

Happy UAE 52 National DAY 2023

Happy UAE 52 National DAY 2023

Happy UAE 52 National DAY 2023-banner
The United Arab Emirates (UAE) National Day is celebrated annually on December 2nd. It marks the anniversary of the country’s union in 1971 when six emirates, namely Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Sharjah, Umm Al-Quwain, Fujairah, and Ajman, came together to form a single, independent nation. Ras Al Khaimah joined the union shortly after, on February 10, 1972.
Here are some key points about the UAE National Day:

Formation of the UAE:

The United Arab Emirates was officially formed on December 2, 1971, following the end of British colonial rule in the region. The rulers of the emirates agreed to unite and form a sovereign state.

Founding Fathers:

The visionary leaders often referred to as the “Founding Fathers” of the UAE played a crucial role in the country’s formation. His Highness Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan, the first President of the UAE and the ruler of Abu Dhabi, is particularly revered for his leadership during this period.


United Arab Emirates (UAE) National Day is a time for joyous celebrations and festivities across the country. The celebrations include parades, fireworks, cultural events, and patriotic displays. The national flag is prominently displayed, and various landmarks are illuminated with the colors of the flag.

On The United Arab Emirates national Day, 2 December PRINCE ZAHID JEWELELRY TRADING GOLD SMITH (LLC) announces special offer. Sock is very limited.


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Patriotism and Unity:

The National Day is an occasion for the people of the UAE to express their patriotism and pride in their country. It fosters a sense of unity among the diverse population of the Emirates.

Cultural Events:

Many cultural events and exhibitions take place during the National Day celebrations, showcasing the rich heritage, traditions, and achievements of the UAE. These events often highlight the rapid development and modernization that the country has undergone in a relatively short period.

Public Holidays:

The United Arab Emirates (UAE) National Day is a public holiday, and the celebrations typically extend for several days, allowing people to participate in various activities and events.


It’s important to note that each emirate within the United Arab Emirates (UAE) may have its unique way of celebrating National Day, and the festivities often reflect the local culture and traditions. The United Arab Emirates (UAE) has become known for its economic prosperity, modern infrastructure, and a harmonious blend of tradition and progress.

Gold Investment In Crisis

Gold Investment In Crisis

Gold has historically been considered a “safe-haven” asset during times of economic and geopolitical crises. It tends to retain its value or even increase in price when other assets, such as stocks or currencies, are under pressure. Here’s how gold may be influenced during various types of crises:
Gold Investment in crisis-location

Geopolitical Crises:

Tensions, conflicts, or uncertainty on the global stage can drive up demand for gold as a safe haven. When geopolitical instability increases, investors seek assets like gold that are less susceptible to the volatility caused by such events.

Economic Crises:

During economic downturns or financial crises, investors often flock to gold as a store of value. This is because gold is not directly tied to the performance of any one country’s economy or currency. When confidence in financial markets wanes, gold can provide stability.


Although gold does not provide a yield or income like other assets. it can serve as a hedge against inflation. When central banks pursue expansionary monetary policies or inflation rises, gold’s value may increase. Because it is seen as a store of value.

Market Crashes:

During stock market crashes or bear markets, gold often outperforms equities. It can act as a hedge to minimize losses in a diversified investment portfolio.

Global Health Crises:

The outbreak of major global health crises like the COVID-19 pandemic can create economic uncertainty and market volatility. In such cases, investors may turn to gold as a refuge from the uncertainty.

Currency Crises:

When a country experiences a currency crisis or significant devaluation of its currency. People may turn to gold as a hedge against further currency depreciation. This is especially true in countries with unstable or hyperinflating currencies.


It’s important to note that while gold is considered a safe-haven asset. Gold price can still fluctuate, and it is not without risk. Additionally, the demand for gold can be influenced by various factors. Factors including supply and demand dynamics, changes in interest rates, and shifts in investor sentiment. If you are considering investing in gold during a crisis, it’s advisable to consult with a financial advisor and consider your investment goals, risk tolerance, and the overall economic and geopolitical landscape. Diversify your investment portfolio with a mix of assets. Including gold can be a prudent strategy to manage risk during uncertain times.

At PRINCE ZAHID JEWELELRY TRADING GOLD SMITH (LLC), we are dedicated to helping you find the perfect piece of jewellery that suits your style, celebrates your milestones, and brings your visions to life. Our commitment to excellence in craftsmanship, quality materials, and outstanding customer service sets us apart in the world of jewellery.


We started our Gold and Silver manufacturing factory in 2003 in Sharjah with the name of PRINCE ZAHID GOLD SMITH. We worked for many jewellery stores for a long time. After studying the market trend, demand and type of customers we open our first retail showroom in Deira in May 2005 with the name of PRINCE ZAHID JEWELELRY TRADING.

We welcome every customer as important customer, As the customer step in our shop we greet them, listen their need carefully and show the product and pleased them with our services.